“Carlos’ art practice does not disguise itself. It is unique in its ability to create these moments when the border between art and life blurs and any explanation would only detract from experiencing them.”

 Read text by Sandino Scheidegger (Random Institute)

“Suddenly, art is life understood through the idea of purpose: of working the soil as if it were a canvas; of generating spaces to share or exhibit beyond the traditional ones.“

Read text by Paula Piedra (TEOR/éTica)

“El artista reflexiona sobre la naturaleza que se abre paso y sobrevive ante una opresión. Va en relación estrecha al cuestionamiento de patrones rectilíneos impuestos y a la aspiración de cierta armonía entre lo artificial y el ritmo de la naturaleza”

Read text by María José Chavarría (Museo de Arte Costarricense)